Check out all of my Homemade Dog Treats! Toby! Have you met Toby? He’s my little baby. Ever since I bought these cute little dog treat molds, I can’t seem to stop making him cute little treats in fun little shapes! Treat-making a great activity with the little ones too, and these make fantastic gifts.

Best Kind of Peanut Butter for dogs:

All-natural peanut butter without added salt or sugar is best for dogs. Do not use light or sugar-free peanut butter, as those may have artificial sweeteners (such as xylitol) which is toxic to dogs. I like to use Teddy Smooth All-Natural Peanut Butter, which can also commonly be found in grocery stores.

Can Dogs Have Flour?

In short, yes. But flour can post an allergy to some dogs, and flour is certainly not a necessity in their diet, but rather is used as a binding agent in many treat recipes. If possible, I recommend using Almond flour, because it’s healthy and easy to find at the grocery store.

Healthier Flour Alternatives for Dog Treats:

Grain: Barley, Buckwheat, Millet, Oat, Pea, Quinoa, Rice, Sorghum Non-Grain: Chickpea, Coconut, Hazelnut, Lentil, Potato


Store in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 3 days. Freeze for up to 3 months, removing them as you need them and letting them come to room temperature.

Dog Treats as Gifts:

These treats make fantastic gift ideas and are perfect for giving in these little canisters! Treat-making and gift-giving is also a great activity for little ones, (with your assistance of course!)

Looking for a human treat to enjoy with your pup?! Make yourself an energizing Peanut Butter and Banana Smoothie!  Recipe Adpated From:

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