What is a London Fog?

London Fog is a drink made with Earl Grey tea, steamed milk, and sugar. Starbucks makes it by adding vanilla syrup to the drink, so I’ve included a splash of vanilla in my version, too.

What does a London Fog taste like?

If you love the flavor of Earl Grey tea, you’ll love the taste of a London Fog. It tastes like a sweet vanilla latte, with savory hints of floral black tea swirled through it.

Keep in mind that the longer you brew the tea, the more caffeine it will have. According to this chart, Earl Grey tea can have anywhere from 14mg of caffeine (when brewed for just 1 minute) to 47mg (when brewed for 5 minutes.)

Earl Grey tea gets its signature flavor from the addition of bergamot, which is a bitter citrus fruit found all over Europe. Thanks to its complex bitter & floral flavor, I find it to be a satisfying alternative to coffee.

How to Make a Healthy London Fog Drink

Similar to my Instant Vegan Latte (which is made with coffee), you can make a healthy London Fog using dates as a sweetener and a spoonful of almond butter for creaminess. It might sound strange adding these two ingredients to your tea, but when you blend them together they become a magical latte!

What I love about this method is that you don’t need to buy a special non-dairy creamer, or even make your own homemade almond milk. Those would just dilute the flavor of this drink, anyway. You get maximum flavor by adding the sweetness and creaminess directly to the tea. No extra liquid needed!

Recipe Notes:

If you don’t have dates on hand, feel free to use another natural sweetener, such as honey or maple syrup to taste. I use two dates in this recipe to create the sweetness I remember in the original drink, but feel free to use only 1 date, if you prefer something less-sweet. If you don’t want to use almond butter, you can experiment with any other nut butter, or try a spoonful of coconut cream for another non-dairy alternative. Just keep in mind that substitutions will change the flavor a bit.

– Reader Feedback: Have you ever tried a London Fog before? Let me know what you think about this version in the comments below!

London Fog Drink  Tea Latte  - 34London Fog Drink  Tea Latte  - 71London Fog Drink  Tea Latte  - 44London Fog Drink  Tea Latte  - 65London Fog Drink  Tea Latte  - 78London Fog Drink  Tea Latte  - 71