If you can’t tell, the Instant Pot has become one of my favorite kitchen helpers. I love how I can toss a few ingredients inside, seal the lid, and walk away, knowing that I’ll come back to a perfectly cooked dish. In the case of these Make-Ahead Detox Quinoa Breakfast Bowls, the quinoa doesn’t necessarily cook any faster than if you were to cook it on the stovetop, but the preparation is a breeze! What sets this “breakfast quinoa” apart from a big batch that I’d normally make over the weekend (to use for stir-fries or lunch bowls) is that it’s soaked ahead of time, to help remove any bitterness, then it’s cooked with coconut milk for a rich and creamy flavor, along with a touch of cinnamon and pure maple syrup.  I’ll admit that I’m guilty of NOT soaking my quinoa when I’m rushed to make something savory, but with the milder flavor of these breakfast bowls, you’ll want to soak your quinoa first for best results. Naturally, you can tweak this recipe to suit your needs. It’s more of a general outline for making an oh-so-comforting porridge that happens to be a complete source of plant-based protein. It should help keep you full and satisfied for hours! If you want this recipe to be lower in fat, swap the coconut milk for almond milk or water. If you’d like to swap the maple syrup for stevia, or omit the sweetener entirely, be my guest. (Though you might already know why I stopped using stevia myself.) And by all means, please use as much fresh fruit and non-dairy milk on top as you like! I got a little crazy with adding almond milk to mine this week, to the point that it reminded me of eating traditional cereal.

This recipe makes a big batch for the week, so you can store it as single servings in the fridge for a quick breakfast on-the-go. Pack it up for work or school, along with some fresh fruit to put on top, or eat it at home as a quick no-fuss breakfast with almond milk as a healthier cereal replacement. I actually prefer eating this porridge cold with almond milk, even when it’s cold outside, but you’re welcome to warm it up if you like. The contrast of textures and flavors keep it interesting, and makes a nice change from smoothies or eggs for breakfast. I hope you’ll enjoy it, too!

Don’t have an Instant Pot? You can make this on the stove, too! Simply bring all of the quinoa ingredients to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and cover to cook until the quinoa is tender and the liquid is absorbed, about 15 minutes. Reader Feedback: Do you have another favorite make-ahead breakfast? 

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