If you have an April Fools’ prank, you would probably want to pull it on me because I’m the most gullible person you’ll meet. Take that time a few years ago, when I was duped by a fake break-up on Facebook. Over the course of an hour, I was reeled in on the faux-drama, like a big fish caught on a bait. It was gut-wrenching. It shocked my senses. It was a brilliant April Fools’ prank. I may have been the brunt of many jokes, but I’m awful when it comes to dreaming up my own. So don’t worry, I won’t pull anything on you today. Instead, I’m going to share how my life has changed drastically since I started blogging. 1. I’m into old fences now. You know how seasoned food bloggers shoot their photos against a gorgeous distressed wood backdrop? I envy that wood. I covet it. At a gathering last month, I overheard my friend talking about how he needed to get rid of his old fence. I swooped into the conversation in a heartbeat. “Can I get a bit of that wood?” were my exact words. Yup, I got mine.

  1. I’ve become a shameful hoarder of all spices and cookware. We’ve already talked about my obsession with cookware before, but wait until you see my spice drawer. Actually, my spices take over the kitchen. If I’m being honest about things, I don’t actually know what spices I have anymore. I just know that I usually find what I need. That’s the most important thing, right?

  2. 90% of the photos on my phone are of food or ingredients lists on packages. I sprinkle in a few pictures of the world around me, cloudscapes, and black sheep. Oh yea, friends, too.

  3. I can’t remember another time in my life when I’ve used phrases like “This looks so delicious”, “Gorgeous photo”, “That looks dreamy”, “I love the way ___ looks”, more than I do now. It comes with the food blogging territory. Blame it on my food blogger friends who cook up dishes that look so dang delicious! Perhaps I should seriously consider investing in a thesaurus.

  4. This has become my motto:

(Original source) 6. Tarnished is my new black. Well, tarnished silverware has been in vogue for years now, but it’s new to me. I scout my local second-hand shops for a good piece dirty silver. So far, I’ve found a good spoon. Small victories.

  1. I’ve become a sniffer. Wine tasters always take a whiff of their drink before sipping on it. I’ve just taken that to a whole new level. I have taken a good whiff of tea, cookies, fruit, and on occasion, water. Pleasuring the olfactory senses makes the experience feel more special.
  2. I hear “Are you taking another photo for Instagram?” from my friends all too often now. It’s not enough that I’m enjoying myself. I must share all my excited feels with everyone else. Pardon the interruption, friends!
  3. I’ve become acutely aware of food holidays. A year ago, the only food holiday I knew and cared about was Free Cone Day at Ben & Jerry’s (April 14th this year, by the way). Now, I know all about National Strawberry Month, National Oatmeal Cookie Day, and National Doughnut Day. #TMI
  4. I read food magazines more than I read the news. Don’t worry, I usually get wind of the important pieces of information somehow. I’m just weeks behind everyone else.

I wish I was just joking about all of this, but it’s the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I blame it all on food blogging, yet it’s also these quirks that make me love my job. Happy April 1st!

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