In the month of May I’m going to be featuring only vegetarian recipes and some of them will include seafood. My mission is to prove to myself mostly, that there are many options when it comes to vegetarian dishes. To start this off, I’ve made this yummy halibut soup. I don’t make fish soup often but sometimes I get in the mood for something different and recently I’ve been wanting to make a fish soup for quite some time. This halibut soup in particular is similar to a Romanian fish soup that is traditionally made with sturgeon. What I love most about this soup is the lemon and fish flavor together, it really is delicious. Since I didn’t have sturgeon, I used halibut which I think was a good choice. I remember I used to hate fish soup as a child, particularly because of the fish bones. There is a very traditional Romanian fish soup where you basically make the broth from different kinds of fish, including their heads. Supposedly that’s what gives the fish broth all that great flavor. However, I am not a big fan of fish heads, I couldn’t even look at them. So I guess I faked it, though I still think this soup had enough fish flavor for me, even for my husband. At first he mumbled as he usually does, but then as he started eating it, he was loving it more and more. I had to include this picture of Mia, here she was sniffing the fish. She is like no other dog, she is more like a cat. She loves fish, especially tuna. What’s your favorite fish soup? Do you have a favorite vegetarian dish?

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