The irony in all of this, of course, is that I’m not the hugest fan of running. Sure, I run a few miles here and there, chase after a bus, or sprint across road just to make a traffic light. Anything beyond 4 miles requires serious mental coaxing. And some 2Pac. Am I crazy for volunteering to subject myself to physical torture? I’ll forgive you if you say yes. But running a half marathon is on my bucket list, and there’s no better time to cross that item off than now. Naturally, the only way to celebrate the beginning of a new adventure is with sugar! I bought a package of wonton wrappers a while ago thinking that I would make dumplings. Then, I thought it would be a better idea to make them into crisps instead. That proved to be a winner. I was amazed that these crisps were so light and crunchy, as if they had been store-bought! The best part of it all is that these crisps did not have any greasy feel to it. I didn’t have any ice cream around the house, but I can imagine that the crisps would pair very well with ice cream or some whipped cream on top. I thought about adding some nutmeg or ginger to the crisps just so I can fit this recipe into my Five-Ingredient Fridays theme, but that would be gilding the lily. These tasted great with just some cinnamon and sugar. Does anyone have any pointers on how I should train/prepare for a half-marathon? I am a novice runner, so any advice is very much appreciated!