“Are you on a diet?You can lose a few pounds, but don’t starve yourself.Eat your rice so you can stay full.You want brown rice? Why? It doesn’t even taste good.Here, let me scoop some of this [white rice] up for you.” Mothers. Don’t ever try to argue with them. Under normal circumstances, I would toss in some beaten eggs and five-spice powder into my fried rice. Let’s throw that idea out the window because we’re about trying new flavors today. Gochujang. Many of you know about this Korean red pepper paste already, but this is my latest obsession. Stir some with a bit of scrambled eggs, noodles, or potato hash. Oh my. What can’t I have gochujang with? This stir-fry is a full on wham, bam, pow of flavor. Are you ready for some gochujang and forbidden rice in your life? Looking for more fried rice recipes? Egg Fried Rice in a Mug Affiliate notice: This post contains affiliate links. That means when you buy something through the links, I make a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks for your support!

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