You ever have one of those days when you don’t feel so good. Well of course you do. I’m having one of those days today. I have a such a sore throat and for such days there’s nothing better than a nice cup of hot chicken soup. But I was not in the mood for just any regular chicken soup. I remember this great chicken soup that is very popular back home in Romania, it’s called Chicken Soup A La Grec. It’s an amazing soup, it’s quite sour from the lemon juice. I for one love adding lemon juice to certain types of soups, but that’s primarily because it’s a very common way to make soups in Romania. They are actually called “ciorba” which is not a soup, but a thicker, richer and sour tasty soup. That’s what differentiates a “ciorba” from a soup, the sourness. Usually you would use lemons, but vinegar or borscht are quite common too to give these soups their sour taste. Now this soup is one of my favorites, not only because it’s sour but it’s a creamy soup, full of chicken and veggies. It’s also very common with this soup to add rice to it, but this soup was thick enough for me, so I did not add any. So give this soup a try, it’s perfect for a cold winter day, or when you’re feeling sick, it’s a great comfort food.

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