I have my good and bad days with numbers. Sometimes, I can do sizable multiplication problems in my head. On other days, simple subtraction flusters me. Sorry for not perpetuating the stereotype that I should be good at math (or “maths” if you speak English the silly way). Given my aversion to numbers, you can imagine how much I hated counting carbs and calories. Alas, even I succumbed to the vagaries of dieting trends and hopped on the low-carb bandwagon. Sure, diets may be great for some people. Me? Not so much. I need my bread, granola, pizza, potatoes, and most of all, PASTA! Don’t worry, I came to my senses during law school. Every Sunday afternoon, I spent hours in the kitchen doing meal prep for the week. I made big portions of two or three main dishes and several sides, and then I play a little mix and match with the dishes throughout the week. Pasta was on heavy rotation during my Sunday meal prep because: You’ll be happy to know that I ditched my overly (and often times irrational) carb-conscious ways during this time in my life. All I cared about was a quick meal that fueled my body and pacified my constantly growling stomach. Pasta and I were a match made in heaven. In honor of National Pasta Month (and my days as a student), I decided to make this fusilli dish with broccoli pesto. My one rule for cooking with pasta is this: SHOVE IN AS MUCH VEGETABLES AS POSSIBLE (AMVAP)! Are you with me on this? Making a pesto sauce out of vegetables is a sure-fire way to get your 5 a day. For this pesto, not only did I use the florets but I also used the broccoli stalks! Being resourceful with my food: huge check.

Chicken Fusilli with Broccoli Pesto and Roasted Tomatoes - 67Chicken Fusilli with Broccoli Pesto and Roasted Tomatoes - 97Chicken Fusilli with Broccoli Pesto and Roasted Tomatoes - 32Chicken Fusilli with Broccoli Pesto and Roasted Tomatoes - 92Chicken Fusilli with Broccoli Pesto and Roasted Tomatoes - 14