It features all of the ingredients that I love in my usual green juice, but because it’s blended, it still retains all of the fiber of the fruits and vegetables, making it a more filling breakfast option. I’m often asked what the difference is between green juices and green smoothies, and which is the better option. The answer is that they’re both beneficial, but for different reasons. A juicer removes the fiber from the fruits and vegetables, leaving us with a nutrient dense green drink that can be immediately absorbed by our cells, without involving the digestive system. Juicing is a great option for people who need to rest their digestive system, or for those who want to participate in intermittent fasting, while still getting a healthy dose of nutrition. A blender, on the other hand, pulverizes the fruits and vegetables, including the fiber content, resulting in a thicker, more filling drink. Smoothies are ideal for anyone who wants to sneak in a few extra servings of fresh produce into their day, and can be beneficial for those with compromised digestion. There are some who believe the natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables are better consumed with their fiber in tact, for balanced blood sugar levels, making green smoothies a popular option. Smoothies also require less produce than juices, making them more budget-friendly. Personally, I love both options, but my preferences usually change with the seasons. When it’s chilly outside, I typically want a more filling meal, so a thick smoothie fits the bill. When it’s warmer outside, I’ll enjoy a green juice as a light breakfast, and later, I may have a hearty smoothie as a more filling lunch or post-workout snack. Whichever your preference, this smoothie is a delicious and refreshing option! — Blended Green Lemonade serves 1-2 Ingredients: 3/4 cup water 1-2 kale leaves, stems removed 1/2 romaine heart 1/2 cucumber, chopped 1/4 ripe avocado 1/2 apple, cored 1 frozen banana juice of 1 lemon handful of ice Directions: Combine all of the ingredients in a high-speed blender, and blend until completely smooth. (You may need to use a tamper to help the ingredients reach the blades.) Add more water, if needed to facilitate blending, then serve immediately.

*Note: If you do not have access to a high-powered blender, I recommend blending the leafy greens and water first, until they are completely broken down, before adding the fruit and ice to the mix. Also, you may prefer using spinach, rather kale, as it will dissolve into the smoothie more seamlessly. Enjoy! — Reader Feedback: Do you prefer green juice or smoothies? What’s your favorite flavor combination?

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