Ick, I was feeling under the weather all last week. I don’t know if it is seasonal changes or travel, but I’ve been afflicted with the sniffles. I once worked with someone who told me to always take one of those Emergen-C packets before a flight to prevent catching a cold. I’m not sure if those vitamin C shots are actually effective. At this point, however, I’m willing to try anything to keep myself from getting sick. Feeling groggy all day long is not okay. What was the best thing to cure my little autumn cold? Baking! That’s right, based on several studies in the HNB test kitchen, I have determined that a fresh loaf of banana carrot bread with an extra coconut boost cures the sniffles. Look, I’m feeling better already! It was the bread, I tell you. I couldn’t bring myself to drive to the store to get ingredients for baking, so this was truly one of those “throw everything in a bowl and see what happens” kind of efforts. I was tempted to throw in a handful of plump flame raisins into this bread, but then I would have to eat this entire thing on my own. Hmm, perhaps adding the raisins was the better idea after all. Instead of raisins, I added some coconut oil, coconut sugar, and shredded coconut to make the bread extra special. Add a thin layer of coconut and peanut butter spread on this bread, and it’ll be like having a little piece of heaven. I know I’ve been baking a ton of banana bread and muffins lately, but they just ripen so quickly in my apartment. A day or two on the counter and it’s spotted like a dalmatian. It’s as if my kitchen is an incubator! As long as there are overripe bananas sitting on my counter, there will be more banana bread recipes on this blog. Hope you enjoy!